Deployment of Corporate Training Portal on Google Cloud Platform using Deployment Manager, Google Compute Engine & Cloud Storage — Part 1
In another real-world based project, I acted as a Cloud Specialist to implement a corporate training portal for employees. Moodle was the platform chosen to provide the training, and it’s one of the most popular e-Learning platforms among companies and universities around the world.
We used the Deployment Manager and a Moodle image, available on GCP Marketplace, using the resources of a Compute Engine.
To store the training files, in order to comply with high availability (HA) issues, we used the Cloud Storage bucket service.
Below are few screenshots:
Created the Moodle using Deployment Manager Market Solution after enabling Cloud Deployment Manager.
Moodle Up and running
Login Page
Adding a new course
Added the course “Onboarding training for new employees”
Added Introduction page and also added logos to the page
Added the video file and pdf file for the users.
Users will see the below page when they click on Download PDF