Deployment of Cloud Load Balancing between Regions in the USA and Europe for global high availability and intelligent traffic distribution based on user proximity and location.
In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as a Cloud Specialist to implement a solution to handle incoming traffic accessing the main page of an application available in 2 regions: Finland and United States.
The prerequisites established were to create a 100% Serverless architecture with high global availability, present in two distinct continents so that, in case a Failover is needed from one continent to the other, the application in Production running on the Cloud Run service and stored in Containers is always available.
In addition, to distribute traffic intelligently and based on the proximity and location of the end user, once the client requests access he will be directed to the home page that is geographically closest.
Below are few screenshots:
We can see above that when the IP addresses from different countries are imitated the load balancer will reach only that particular country server and loads the page related(as shown in the country flag)