Demonstration of using Prometheus & Grafana that are third party tools not in Cloud but are open source.
In this hands-on project, I ventured into demonstrating the simple and easy to use Prometheus & Grafana and how they can be used together for monitoring and visualization to understand the metrics (CPU, memory, disk etc) collected from systems and applications.
Below are few screenshots:
Creating an AWS EC2 instance and installing the docker, add ec2 user, docker compose, stress tool and initialize docker.
EC2 instance created
docker, docker-compose versions
Upload the container
Check resources created
Security group — release ports 3000, 9000 and 9090
EC2 public IP
Access to Portainer
Show containers
Dashboard shows the stack, containers, images, volumes and networks
Container list
Network list
Event list
Host overview
Welcome to Grafana
Grafana Home page
Add new connection
Add Prometheus connection
Successfully queried the Prometheus API
Import Node Exporter dashboard
Create Grafana Stack
Grafana loading
Copy Node Exporter ID
Copy ID and import Prometheus into Grafana
Node Exporter dashboard
Check the current load
top -i to get cpu metrics
Increase disk consumption
CPU Busy — 100%
Added a 4 gb file to do stresss test and root partition is used
RAM usage starts to increase
RAM usage increased as expected
We can see by above demonstration how third-party open source tools like Prometheus and Grafana can be used for Monitoring, Logging and Obervability of Cloud environments same as AWS CloudWatch. Amazing!!!